Thursday, February 26, 2015

"Pure Food" is Pure Food Genius

I can’t even handle how amazing this cookbook is. First of all, it is ingeniously divided by month, not type of recipe (soups, meat, etc.). I cannot stress how great this is as someone who never knows what is in season. I believe in using produce that flourishes in its own time of the year, because it just seems smart. Plus, these recipes complement each other well so I’m not stuck trying to figure out what to cook them with.  Veronica (I feel like we are on first name basis now because her life stories are imprinted into every recipe) includes something for every type of meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) and it is incredible. These recipes are simple so that anyone can make them but are made with whole foods, so you’re not eating anything processed. Amazing! I love it!

Want to know what I’m eating for dinner today? Parsnip and Thyme Soup (214). Sounds gross, but I swear it’s delicious. For breakfast I had Lemon Ricotta Pancakes (17), a delicate and light dish, but high protein so you’re not hungry until lunchtime. Last night I snacked on some Raw Chocolate Chip Cookies (43) and felt deeply satisfied, wherein eating a box full of chocolate chip cookies are only what used to satisfy me. I’ve also tried Winter Garlic and Vegetable Stew (21), Roasted Root Vegetables with Honey Sauce (20), Coconut Cranberry Porridge (16),  Cream of Celery Soup (197) (a favorite),  and Roasted Hazelnut Granola (210). This shit is amazing, I’m not even kidding. I have a problem eating vegetables; my palate just won’t have it. I like processed, easy foods that just slide right down, so eating healthy is a challenge for me. The way she cooks her food is so simple but it makes it amaze-balls tasty. You will be doing yourself a favor if you buy this book. I don’t ever rave this much about anything I have reviewed so far (check and see!), so you have to know it’s good.

From the back of the book: “Veronica Bosgraaf is the founder of the Pure Bar of organic, all-natural, gluten-free fruit and nut bars and fruit snacks. Passionate about making it easier to eat real foods, Veronica is dedicated to sharing her journey, questioning food culture, and providing ideas and choices that help families live a healthier lifestyle. She lives in Michigan with her husband and three children.” And she’s gorgeous to boot! I’d hate her but I love her cooking too much.
I'll have what she's having.
Source: I received a copy of this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sherry,

    My name is Jeremiah, from Aneko Press in Abbotsford Wisconsin. We have a small base of bloggers who review books for us, and after a few months of tweaking how our blog tours are run, we’re now ready to take it to the next level.

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    Jeremiah Zeiset
    Aneko Press
